
Book Blogger Blurbs: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Book Blogger Blurbs is a feature here on Fluffy Reads where we share our favorite lines from the wonderful reviews from other bloggers about some books that we love or some books that we badly want to read.

Please note: Fluffy Reads does not lay claim on any of the blurbs. We only aim to share all the wonderful words others have written about the book. Each quote has been properly sourced from where we found them.

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Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1)
by Stephanie Perkins
Published December 2, 2010
by Dutton
Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend.

But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss?

"Still funny and charming the millionth time around. I can't count how many times I've read this book over the two years I've owned it."
"I have not yet read anything else by Stephanie Perkins, but after reading this book I am convinced to read the rest of these books as well, because they are so cute and adorable. And I'm sure that all the books in this 'series' will also be amazing."

"This book was adorable! As cute as a button. It was funny, and beautifully written. If you've always wanted to see the city of love, Stephanie Perkins takes us on a journey to see the sights of Paris."
-- Kelly @ The Diva Booknerd

"Favourite. Book. EVER! I'm completely in love with this story and the characters and just, everything about this book!"

"Stephanie Perkins wrote an amazingly superb book about figuring out what you want out of life, dealing with crushes and relationships and knowing what is worth it. Truthfully I will never accurately describe the amazingness of this book and the feelings it gives me."
-- Andi @ Andi's ABCs

"Anna and the French kiss was just sooo good; it was gripping, well written, with captivating characters and a sweet romance and it was just so. damn. cute!"
-- Nitzan @ Drugs Called Books

"From the gorgeous and romantic Paris nightlife to the even more gorgeous Etienne St.Clair, this book was fabulous all around!"
-- Sara @ Through the Looking Glass

"Anna and the French Kiss is definitely a book that fans of contemporary romance should check out. But even if this genre isn’t normally your thing, I would highly recommend giving this a try anyway if you’re ever looking for a sweet, lighter story. The characters are great, the writing is engaging and often funny… It’s just a good book, which I think would appeal to many readers."
-- Nikki @ There Were Books Involved...

"If Anna and the French Kiss doesn’t make you laugh, swoon, cry and sigh in longing, you’re doing it wrong. I love everything about it. It is charming and fun and just plain GOOD."
-- Angie @ Disquietus Reads

"Perkins really does the romance well. It was quite realistic, and I enjoyed the fact that there was no 'instalove.'"
-- Nara @ Looking for the Panacea

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun way to present a book and bloggers! Great work!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
