
Simply Sunday (#3)

Simply Sunday is a reading meme at Books for a Delicate Eternity. It’s where you can share your favourite quote of the week; be it from a book, a novella, a short story, a poem, a song – whatever you like! 

It's no longer Sunday, but I was busy then so better late than never. :P

Why Fluffy Reader Francine chose this:
I just REALLY love it, okay? I had so much feels for this part in the book. All Anna needed to do was ask and Etienne obliged. I know they have more words in their emails. But just this one simple thing did it for me - to have a guy so willing to just be there for you in anyway and to match with your little craziness. It's just really nice and wonderful. I love this so much.

What do you think? Link us to your Simply Sunday post, we'd love to read it!


  1. FEEELLLSSSS. I love this part so much <3 I so need a reread before Isla is released!

  2. Damn, I feel like I should really read her books now. That hero sounds absolutely swoon-worthy!

  3. Oh gosh.... .That part of the book made me blushed. Sad to thin that I dislike it. But it's indeed a perfect fluffy book :D Thanks for sharing!
