
Wrapping Up:

June 2014

June was a pretty good month in our personal lives. Valeria finished her internship. (Yay Valeria!) and she was hired by a really good law firm. We have a lawyer on our side. ;) Francine turned 21 and Sandra turned 18. Both are legal ages for various countries. Look at us. We're all growing up. :P Sandra passed her exams too, and she's now happily on a short vacation in Germany to see her boyfriend.

We had our Giveaway, which will be ending soon:

Sandra also had her own Giveaway

Some Fluffy Reads this June:
Valeria read Ex-factor by Elisa Dane and found it to be quite good with a strong message. It helps that there was a swoony boy too. Sandra started reading Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell and is finding it to be so romantic and cute. (Let's see what she has to say when she finishes it. :P) Francine revisited her favorite Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, and she'll be meeting the author this weekend. So exciting! She'll be telling you more about that and the book next week.

Posts on the Blog:

This blog is a work-in-progress. There are so many possibilities and lots of things to explore, but we all agree to moderate this blog in a certain way starting this July. There will be some changes, although I'm not sure how many people would notice. But we're looking forward to it. That's all for now.

Keep it fluffy~

Sandra's Birthday Giveaway!

Wooo, I know we (actually it's Francine) already did a giveaway for our birthday, but since today is my 18th birthday, I decided to do my own little giveaway on my own blog, Sandra's World of Books, but since I'm awesome, I also wanted to post it here so more people would see it and more people would have a chance at winning these prizes!

The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL so everyone who wants can join can enter this time. It runs until the end of July, so there is enough time to enter! You can check out my own blog for pictures of the prizes.  So good luck to everyone entering and I will email you the winners when I've drawn them. Please no cheating. That would lead into disqualification.

I want to thank Francine and Valeria for being so awesome and being great co-bloggers. I don't think I could ever do this on my own. Having a blog on my own is hard sometimes, as I am super busy, but both Francine and Valeria have been supportive and help me when I am not able to upload anything on Fluffy Reads.

Good luck, 
Fluffy Reader Sandra


Chat It Up: Series or Standalone?

Before we go on further, I would like to set the parameters of this little discussion. I am only talking bout contemporary books, but most specifically, fluffy reads, as is the theme of this blog.

For contemporary books, it is most common to see standalones. And I love that. It doesn't require so much commitment. You get a full story. What's not to love? (Wanting more maybe) But overall, that is my preference.

For contemporary series books though, there are two kinds. I'm sure everyone knows this. The most common kind of series for any genre of books is one where you follow around the same characters and storylines. But another kind of series that we see a lot in contemporaries is that where there are different protagonists for each book that they can pretty much be a standalone. So I don't really know how to classify the two so let's just go with series and standalone-series.

If a contemporary were to be turned into a series, I would totally choose standalone-series. The thing about contemporaries is that they don't have a lot going on in terms of plot. A lot of it has been done already. What makes each book unique is usually the writing, characters, etc. So to drag it on for so long definitely doesn't work so well in my opinion. That's why I choose standalone-series. You get something new from each book while still seeing some characters you've loved before. Examples: Anna and the French Kiss series by Stephanie Perkins and Camp Boyfriend series by J.K. Rock. In a sense, they're like standalones too, which is my first preference.

With series contemporaries, I usually get annoyed. I really don't like it, especially when the sequel doesn't even give much. Too much drama is piled on. I just can't take it. But, there are those that have worked for me, although very few. Some that I liked were The Little Blue Envelopes series by Maureen Johnson and If I Stay series by Gayle Forman. So I don't really avoid this, but I'd be sour about it before I even read the sequels.

What about you? What do you prefer when it comes to contemporaries? Standalone? Standalone-series? Series?

Talk, ramble, discuss, 
Fluffy Reader Francine

Weekly Wrap Up

Happy Weekend!

Hello! How has your week turned out so far? We hope it has been a good one. The fluffy readers have had quite some things going on this week, and here is a brief recap on our reading life: Francine, finished reading Second Chance Summer and thought it was a bit too emotional for her taste; Sandra and Valeria finally finished reading Camp Payback and of course, we loved it. How could we not? This series is a Fluffy Readers' favourite, if you haven't already we recommend you give it a try.

On the Blog:

Don't forget our Birthday Giveaway is still running. Don't miss your chance to win a Fluffy Read Paperback from The Book Depository.
We hope you had a great week and have an even better weekend!

Happy Reading

Fluffy Readers Unite! Welcome Kayla of The Thousand Lives

Fluffy Readers Unite is a feature here at Fluffy Reads where we search for all the book bloggers who love reading fluffy reads.

Are you a fluffy reader? Want to share about your love? Send us an email! ;)

Kayla and I (Francine) had a little chat on Google Hangouts. That's where the emoticons are from. I had so much fun reading Kayla's answers so I hope everyone else enjoys this too! Without further ado...

Francine: So first off, tell us something about yourself and your blog.

Kayla: Well, I'm 18, just about 19 in a few weeks now, and I've been running The Thousand Lives for about a year. Actually, my blogoversary and birthday are about the same time! (It's towards the end of June! I wanted to do a giveaway, but I'll have to wait till the fall when my second job starts up again) TTL first started as a writing blog, but then I found the book blogging community, and I switched over quickly once I figured out how incredible it was. I've never looked back! Sometimes I still do some posts about writing, so I have a nice balance between my personal endeavors as well as my fangirling.

Francine: We'll gladly still celebrate that with you even if there's no giveaway  How did you find the book blogging community?

Kayla: Why thank you! Hmmm, that's a good question. I can't recall exactly... I think I followed Kate @ Fictional Thoughts, and then Chiara @ Delicate Eternity, and slowly a few others that I can't remember the chronological order of. And then I took part in Top Ten Tuesday, and found some more bloggers through that.

Francine: Next question. What do you think are fluffy reads?

Kayla: I think I'd actually have two definitions. 1) A book that is a bit flimsy in plot, and may be filled with a few cliches, but the characters and friendships/romance are so perfect and light-hearted that it takes you away from everything and just makes you happy for a few hours. The Espressologist by Kristina Springer comes to mind. 

Or, 2) A book that has some harder issues, but is still optimistic and lighthearted despite all of that. Also makes you feel light-hearted and warm fuzzied at the end. It may be harder getting to the uber happy bits, but it's a more long-lasting warmth that goes all the way to your toes and basically makes you the walking personification of I'd say that To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han and Open Road Summer by Emery Lord are good examples of this one.

Not that smiley! The one you just used! Whatever the shortcut for that is Oh man I need to stop trying. I failed, I failed (Francine: She means this one -> )

Francine: Lol. I don't know either. I use the emoticons on the app. Hahaha. And very well said. I tend to use the first definition more, but I really liked that second one.

So I've been following your blog for a while now, and I know you got into fluffy reads or contemporaries somewhere along your blogging career. How did you get into them?

Kayla: Well when I started book blogging, I was a staunch sci-fi/fantasy purist. The only contemporaries I would read were through NetGalley. But then I met Andi @ Andi's ABCs and Veronica @ Talking Bookworm, and let me tell you - those ladies are the biggest book pushers to ever exist. Andi recommended a few to me after I mentioned that I never read contemp, but it all started when Veronica and I met IRL for the first time (we're now best friends actually! The powers of blogging <3). We went to Barnes and Noble (of course!), and when she took me to the contemp shelf, since that's her favorite, I admitted I hadn't read a single book there. So she promptly shoved Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, and 20 Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler (I think?) into my hands. After I read Anna and SCS, I was convinced! And now I'm in the middle of a three month long binge of all the contemporaries, especially fluffy ones, that I can find.

Francine: So cool! It's so awesome when you can find awesome friends through blogging. You're so lucky you got to meet Veronica! And I love Andi's blog too. And we should make everyone read Anna and the French Kiss, and Morgan Matson books. Hahaha

Kayla: Amen to that!

Francine: Convert everyone! XD

Kayla: [aggressively throws Amy & Roger's Epic Detour at everyone]

Francine: Hahaha! I would gladly join you! One of my favorites of all time!

Do you think fluffy reads are important or valuable or should be as appreciated as other genres? And why?

Kayla: The short answer is OF COURSE. The long answer is somewhat of a rant - here we go: any type of read is important and in need of appreciation as a genre. I don't believe in things like "guilty pleasures" or "classics are the only good literature". Of course, there's a distinction between Fahrenheit 451 and Divergent. But who knows - maybe in 50 years Divergent will be required reading in high schools! I know I'd try to teach Allegiant if my school allowed me. So to pass something off as not as worthy because it's YA is just ridiculous to me. As far as fluffy reads in particular, I think they're incredibly important! I love my science fiction and fantasy stuff, but sometimes I just need a good fluffy read. They're perfect for escaping for just a few hours if you're having a bad day and just need to live in an alternate reality where everything has an HEA, or if you're just having a lazy afternoon and want to sit in the sun with some tea and smile like fool because of a book.

Francine: They definitely make me happy! What was your last fluffy read and how did you like it?

Kayla: *runs over to my bookshelf*

That would be... To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han! With Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson prior to that. And BOTH books are incredible, and should be read by everyone!

To All The Boys is one I'd actually like to reread already - it was that good. I was laughing and grinning the whole time, and it made my iffy afternoon be a great afternoon.

Since You've Been Gone is, of course, a Matson, so that's all the explanation there is to it! The playlists were perfect, Frank was near flawless despite his little quirks (a boy who loves Sudoku? count me in!), and the friendship aspect was just spot on.

Francine: I will keep that in mind. I had my eyes set on those books. I can't wait to read them!

And here's the most difficult question.


Francine: Name your favorite fluffy reads

Kayla: Oh god anything but that! *cries* *runs back to bookshelf* (Francine: I was laughing the whole time waiting for Kayla. This still cracks me up)

The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider, To All the Boys by Jenny Han, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour and Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, and all of Katie McGarry's Pushing the Limits series *sigh* I did it!!!

Francine: What percentage of your contemporary bookshelf is that? Hahaha!

Kayla: Maybe 30%, haha! I only have one shelf for contemporary - I'm still trying to get a good collection! I have one shelf of contemporary to SEVEN sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal!

Francine: Maybe that will grow soon enough

Kayla: Hopefully! I'm working on it


Comedy or Drama? *wails* BOTH. But comedy if I really need to choose

Series or Standalone? Standalone, 75% of the time

Short Reads or Long Reads? Middle reads! 300-500 pages is good for me

Good Guys or Bad Boys? At first glance, bad boys. But longterm - good guys. Peeta Mellark forever holds my heart  (Update: Ryan from Dare You To also has my heart )

Dorky or Suave? DORKY ALL THE WAY! Cricket vs. Etienne - Cricket every time (Francine: Fluffy Reader Sandra will be pleased)

Small Gestures or Big Gestures? Small gestures, hands down

Francine: Alright. That's a wrap! Thank you so so much Kayla! I really enjoyed your answers. They made me smile and laugh.
Do you have any last words before you go? Anything else you want to share?

Kayla: Thank you so much for interviewing me! I had a blast too Well it isn't really directly related to this... but I just got approved for Heir of Fire this morning, and I'm pretty ecstatic about that Plus, I got to do this interview, so I'd say my day is starting out very well!

Francine: That is awesome! Thank you so much Kayla!

Kayla: Thank you!

Series Review: How To by Cassie Mae

How To Date A Nerd (#1) - September 24th, 2013
How To Seduce A Band Geek (#2) - May 6th, 2014
How To Hook A Book Worm (#3) - June, 2015

Published by Swoon Romance

This is the kind of series that just keeps getting better and better with every new book. I mean there are only two out of three published yet, but I definitely enjoyed book 2 the best. It’s because you can truly appreciate how the characters that you’ve met in the previous book have matured and grown over the time that goes between one book and the other. Plus, the issues dealt with in book 2 are much deeper than those in book 1.

How To Date a Nerd is the story of Zoe, a geeky girl who decided to change her whole personality when she started high school in order to avoid all the bullying that hurt her so much in middle school. Sadly, in the process, she lost her best friend and herself. Now she is trying to get both those things back but it’s harder than it seems.

It is funny and witty and the struggles Zoe has to endure are very real. There’s no playing hero, it’s just pure and honest fear and determination. The nerdy boy in the story is Zak, and you’ll be lying if you said you didn’t like him. He’s so freaking loyal, sweet, and he definitely proves chivalry is not dead. Bottom line he is smoking hot.

How To Seduce a Band Geek starts two years from where the first book leaves you and follows the story of Sierra, Zoe’s younger sister. You still get to see Zoe and Zak and how their relationship has progressed, but the main focus is on Sierra and Levi, Zoe’s best friend of whom we get a glimpse on the previous book.

If the first book was funny, this one was hysterical, oh my god I laughed so hard I’m sure my family started to wonder what was wrong with me. The story line was as good and honest as I knew Cassie Mae writes, but, as I already mentioned, the subject matter this book dealt with was much deeper. If book one was about being true to yourself, book two took it to a whole other level; and I loved to see how Sierra managed to handle all that was going on with her life so successfully. It obviously helped she had some great friends to rely on, and that Levi was watching her back, oh sweet Levi. In my opinion he doesn’t beat Zak but he is another to watch out for.

How To Hook a Bookworm, follows the story of Adam and Brea, Sierra’s best friend with Levi’s younger sister. I’m guessing that this one starts two years later from where the previous book leaves you as well. I’m very excited about this one because even if we didn’t get much of an impression of Brea in book two, I did get enough of Adam to love him. He is the best friend anyone can wish for, and I really want him to get his happily ever after. I can’t wait to see where this goes.

Bottom line, my favorite thing about this series is that it features very honest characters who deal with real issues teenager have to endure in their everyday lives. It doesn’t sugar coat anything, but Cassie still manages to lighten up the mood with some amusing situations. I loved how the relationships between the characters evolved in every book, and even from one book to the other, and how you could sincerely witness some growth.

This series is as fluffy as it can get, coping with relevant topics, full with important lessons, and overflowing with some swoony romance that will sweep you off your feet and keep you laughing out loud.


Let The Geek in You Shine,
Fluffy Reader Valeria

Wishlist Wednesday: I'll Give You the Sun

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop hosted by Pen to Paper where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added, that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves.

I'll Give You the Sun
By Jandy Nelson
Publication Date: September 16th, 2014
By Dial Books for Young Readers
Jude and her brother, Noah, are incredibly close twins. At thirteen, isolated Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude surfs and cliff-dives and wears red-red lipstick and does the talking for both of them. But three years later, Jude and Noah are barely speaking. Something has happened to wreck the twins in different and divisive ways . . . until Jude meets a cocky, broken, beautiful boy, as well as an unpredictable new mentor. The early years are Noah's story to tell. The later years are Jude's. What the twins don't realize is that they each have only half the story, and if they could just find their way back to one another, they’d have a chance to remake their world.

Why I want it: Let's start with the most obvious thing first; this gorgeous cover! It's so simple, yet stunning. Besides, I've always been drawn to colorful covers, so yes! This one is beautiful, and as ever, it caught my attention. Now, the story! I love that even if this book seems to have some romance elements, it's all about the twins and their relationship. I'm a sucker for good sibling relationships, I think they are so important in life and that they can even define a person, so when I find that kind of strong bond in a book, I'm lost to it. I really hope these brothers find their way back to each other, and that all the buzz I've been seeing has a good reason for it.

I wish, I wish, I wish
Fluffy Reader Valeria

Top Three Tuesdays: Broken Hearts

Top Three Tuesdays is a feature hosted by Fluffy Reads where we share our top three fluffy books on a theme. This week Fluffy Reader Valeria picked three funny books where Mending Broken Hearts is the mission to accomplish.

All of them are actually very funny and quite original, and they all feature very determined women. I read the first two and enjoyed them thoroughly, the last one I haven't but has been receiving a lot of praise.

Follow 7 Simple Steps

The Seven Steps to Closure
By Donna Joy Usher
Published May, 2012

Tara Babcock awakes the morning after her 30th birthday with a hangover that could kill an elephant - and the knowledge she is still no closer to achieving closure on her marriage breakup. Things go from bad to worse when she discovers that, not only is her ex-husband engaged to her cousin - Tash, the woman he left her for - but that Jake is also running for Lord Major of Sydney

Desperate to leave the destructive relationship behind and with nothing to lose, she decides- with encouragement from her three best friends - to follow the dubious advice from a magazine article, Closure in Seven Easy Steps.

The Seven Steps to Closure follows Tara on her sometimes disastrous- always hilarious - path to achieve the seemingly impossible.

Enter a Dating Reality Show

The Reluctant Bachelorette
By Rachael Anderson
Published September 16th, 2012

Luke Carney has no idea what possessed him to move back to Shelter Springs, Colorado, to set up his veterinarian practice. His parents have long since left, the small farming community is on the brink of extinction, and only one close friend from his childhood remains--Taycee Emerson, his best friend’s little sister, who isn’t so little anymore.

Then there’s the matter of Shelter’s Bachelorette, an online reality dating show created to raise some much needed funds for the town.

Unwittingly cast as the bachelorette, Taycee wants out, especially when she discovers that Luke, her childhood crush, is back in town and will be one of the bachelors. To make matters worse, it's up to the viewers--not her--to decide which bachelors stay or go. And they all seem to like Luke.

Unwilling to let him break her heart again, Taycee launches a subtle attack on Luke’s good name with the hope of getting him voted off the show. But she’d forgotten that Luke's an eye-for-an-eye kind of guy, and when he discovers what she's up to, it means revenge. 

Declare War

The Art of Lainey
By Paula Stokes
Published May 20th, 2014
By HarperTeen
Young Adult

Soccer star Lainey Mitchell is gearing up to spend an epic summer with her amazing boyfriend, Jason, when he suddenly breaks up with her—no reasons, no warning, and in public no less! Lainey is more than crushed, but with help from her friend Bianca, she resolves to do whatever it takes to get Jason back.

And that’s when the girls stumble across a copy of The Art of War. With just one glance, they're sure they can use the book to lure Jason back into Lainey’s arms. So Lainey channels her inner warlord, recruiting spies to gather intel and persuading her coworker Micah to pose as her new boyfriend to make Jason jealous. After a few "dates", it looks like her plan is going to work! But now her relationship with Micah is starting to feel like more than just a game.

What's a girl to do when what she wants is totally different from what she needs? How do you figure out the person you're meant to be with if you're still figuring out the person you're meant to be?

Never Underestimate A Brokenhearted Woman
Fluffy Reader Valeria

Francine's Birthday Book

Before I go on rambling, I would just like to remind people about our giveaway. :P

Anna and the French Kiss
by Stephanie Perkins
Published January 1, 2010
by Dutton

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend.

But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss?
Everyone has heard of this book, right? RIGHT? No? Why not? :P Or maybe you know it by its new cover? Well, I own the first cover so I'm using that one.

Anyway, why is this is my birthday book, you might ask. Maybe not. Probably not. But I shall tell you anyway. Last June 11, 2011 (If only my birthday was in November :P) I bought my very own copy of Anna and the French Kiss. I don't even know why I did it. My very conservative parents would probably have a fit just with that title. (I still hide it from them until now. Haha!) And this was the time when I didn't know of the blogging community yet. I didn't know so many people loved this book.

But that was a depressing birthday. I just turned 19. My boyfriend then (ex now) had a fight with one of my best friends during my little pizza party. That was certainly inconsiderate. He didn't even get me anything. I think he forgot. So I was down. And what do you do when you're not feeling well? You go shopping for books, of course. I was browsing through the bookstore, and kept coming back to Anna until I finally decided to pick it up. I read the synopsis, and then I started reading the first few chapters and I was hooked! I finished the book right away when I got home.

And I cannot count how many times I've read this. But I do know that I read it during my last 2 birthdays and I will be reading it this time too. I therefore declare June 11 as Read Anna and the French Kiss Day. Not like my declaration would actually do anything. But feel free to join me. I love hearing reactions to reading this book, especially for the first-timers. That's something you can't get back as a reader, but you can enjoy other's reactions too (I'm looking at you, Sandra! I loved your tweets months ago. Heehee.)


Have a fluffy day,
Fluffy Reader Francine

Wishlist Wednesday: The Beginning of Everything - Robyn Schneider

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop hosted by Pen to Paper where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added, that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves.

The Beginning of Everything
by Robyn Schneider
Published August 27th, 2013
by Katherine Tegen Books
Golden boy Ezra Faulkner believes everyone has a tragedy waiting for them—a single encounter after which everything that really matters will happen. His particular tragedy waited until he was primed to lose it all: in one spectacular night, a reckless driver shatters Ezra’s knee, his athletic career, and his social life.

No longer a front-runner for Homecoming King, Ezra finds himself at the table of misfits, where he encounters new girl Cassidy Thorpe. Cassidy is unlike anyone Ezra’s ever met, achingly effortless, fiercely intelligent, and determined to bring Ezra along on her endless adventures.

But as Ezra dives into his new studies, new friendships, and new love, he learns that some people, like books, are easy to misread. And now he must consider: if one’s singular tragedy has already hit and everything after it has mattered quite a bit, what happens when more misfortune strikes?

Why I want this book: HAVE YOU SEEN THE COVER YOU GUYS?! It's gorgeous. The UK version is also super pretty but I prefer this one over the UK version. It's s pretty I just want to own it and pet it because so pretty. The story line sounds fluffy and cute but also somehow a bit depressing and I don't know if it would be to consider a Fluffy Read, but I'm sure it would somehow be. I just want it. I'm so curious.

Stay true to yourself,
Fluffy Reader Sandra

Simply Sundays (#2)

Simply Sunday is a reading meme at Books for a Delicate Eternity. It’s where you can share your favourite quote of the week; be it from a book, a novella, a short story, a poem, a song – whatever you like!

Quote: “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” - Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper
Why Fluffy Reader Sandra chose it:
I believe that love is a thing that should be shared no matter who you are and what you look like from the inside or from the outside. No one is perfect and I guess we all figured that out by now, but you love them despite their flaws and their quirks. That’s what I call true love.

What do you think? Link us to your Simply Sunday post, we'd love to read it!

Friday Finds: E-BOOK SALE of To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

FRIDAY FINDS (by Should Be Reading) showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever! (they aren’t necessarily books you purchased).

This isn't a book I found recently, but it is a sale that I found recently. eBooks of To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han is only $2.99 until JUNE 8, 2014. We've heard that this is one really good fluffy read, and it looks so adorable. We haven't read it yet though. :P Details on the book and links found below~


To All the Boys I've Loved Before
by Jenny Han
Published April 15, 2014
by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Series: To All the Boys I've Loved Before #1

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister's ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.
Source: BookBub

Series Mini-Review: Just One Day by Gayle Forman

Just One Day (#1) - Jan. 8, 2013
Just One Year (#2) - Oct. 10, 2013
Just One Night (#2.5) - May 29, 2014

Published by Penguin Books

"Anything can happen in just one day."
Allyson Healey's life is exactly like her suitcase—packed, planned, ordered. Then on the last day of her three-week post-graduation European tour, she meets Willem. A free-spirited, roving actor, Willem is everything she’s not, and when he invites her to abandon her plans and come to Paris with him, Allyson says yes. This uncharacteristic decision leads to a day of risk and romance, liberation and intimacy: 24 hours that will transform Allyson’s life.

A book about love, heartbreak, travel, identity, and the “accidents” of fate, Just One Day shows us how sometimes in order to get found, you first have to get lost. . . and how often the people we are seeking are much closer than we know.
In my opinion, the whole Just One Day series can be done in one book. But I think that the three separate books are able to show many sides and angles to the whole story. Just One Day was told in Allyson's POV. Just One Year was told in Willem's. Just One Night was told in a third person POV.

Out of all three, Just One Day was definitely my favorite as Allyson was an easy character to connect with. And it's the book that featured Allyson and Willem together a lot. Allyson also met a lot of fun and inspiring people who I easily loved. I didn't like Just One Year so much because Willem was such a playboy and he was so depressed. I think it took too long for him to redeem himself too, but when he did, there was certainly rejoicing. Just One Night was definitely a good ending, but I wanted so much more of it. And the POV made me feel a little distant from the characters. I wish it were a whole book instead of a novella.

If I were to recommend a Gayle Forman book, I would still recommend the If I Stay series. But if you would ask me if you should read this one, then my answer would be yes. I think that Gayle Forman writes really well. Her wit and humor shines through in her books. She knows how to evoke thought and emotions. I didn't really love Willem (I may like him), but I still wanted them to be both happy together. They made me laugh, smile, and feel. I'm not sure I believe in falling in love in a day, but I do believe that a lot can happen, and maybe it is possible.

P.S. Fluffy Reader Sandra is Dutch so I totally asked her all about the Dutch things I found in this series. Hahaha!

Believe things can happen,
Fluffy Reader Francine

Wishlist Wednesday: This Song Will Save Your Life by Leila Sales

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop hosted by Pen to Paper where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added, that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves.

This Song Will Save Your Life
by Leila Sales
Published September 17, 2013
by Farrar, Straus and Giroux (BYR)
Making friends has never been Elise Dembowski’s strong suit. All throughout her life, she’s been the butt of every joke and the outsider in every conversation. When a final attempt at popularity fails, Elise nearly gives up. Then she stumbles upon a warehouse party where she meets Vicky, a girl in a band who accepts her; Char, a cute, yet mysterious disc jockey; Pippa, a carefree spirit from England; and most importantly, a love for DJing.

Told in a refreshingly genuine and laugh-out-loud funny voice, THIS SONG WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE is an exuberant novel about identity, friendship, and the power of music to bring people together.

Why I want this book: I haven't really read anything from Leila Sales, but I've been hearing so many good things about this book. From the synopsis alone, I already see a lot of things I like seeing in contemporary books - "laugh-out-loud funny," a cute guy, music, etc. Also, I have a lot of blogger friends, and there are those who don't really like contemporary books yet rated this one really high. It must be really special. So I really really really want to read this!

Let's wish upon the stars,
Fluffy Reader Francine

Top Three Tuesdays: Summer Reads

Top Three Tuesdays is a feature hosted by Fluffy Reads where we share our top three fluffy books on a theme. This week Fluffy Reader Francine picked three books set in Summer!

It's not actually summer in the Philippines(It's rainy) nor Chile(It's winter), where I(Francine) and Valeria reside respectively. But I believe most of the world is enjoying summer. So let's talk about some summer reads. These are some of my favorites that are set in summer, and feature some summer activities (I think).

Summer Camp

Camp Boyfriend
by J.K. Rock
Published July 2, 2013
by Spencer Hill Contemporary

The summer of her dreams is about to get a reality check.

They said it couldn't be done, but geeky sophomore Lauren Carlson transformed herself into a popular girl after moving to a new school halfway across the country. Amazing what losing her braces and going out for cheerleading will do. Only trouble is, the popular crowd is wearing on Lauren's nerves and she can't wait to return to summer camp where she's valued for her brain instead of her handsprings. She misses her old friends and most of all, her long time camp-only boyfriend, Seth. This year she intends to upgrade their relationship to year-round status once she's broken up with her new, jock boyfriend, Matt. He doesn't even begin to know the real her, a girl fascinated by the night sky who dreams of discovering new planets and galaxies.

But Matt isn't giving her up without a fight. As he makes his case to stay together, Lauren begins to realize his feelings run deeper than she ever would have guessed. What if the guy she thought she was meant to be with forever isn't really The One? Returning to Camp Juniper Point was supposed to ground her uprooted life, but she's more adrift than ever. Everything feels different and soon Lauren's friends are turning on her and both guys question what she really wants. As summer tensions escalate, Lauren wonders if she's changed more than she thought. Will her first big discovery be herself?

A Road Trip

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour
by Morgan Matson
Published May 4, 2013
by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Amy Curry is not looking forward to her summer. Her mother decided to move across the country and now it's Amy's responsibility to get their car from California to Connecticut. The only problem is, since her father died in a car accident, she isn't ready to get behind the wheel. Enter Roger. An old family friend, he also has to make the cross-country trip - and has plenty of baggage of his own. The road home may be unfamiliar - especially with their friendship venturing into uncharted territory - but together, Amy and Roger will figure out how to map their way.

A Fling(Maybe? I dunno. Haha!)

This Is What Happy Looks Like
by Jennifer E. Smith
Published January 1, 2013
by Poppy

If fate sent you an email, would you answer?

When teenage movie star Graham Larkin accidentally sends small town girl Ellie O'Neill an email about his pet pig, the two seventeen-year-olds strike up a witty and unforgettable correspondence, discussing everything under the sun, except for their names or backgrounds.

Then Graham finds out that Ellie's Maine hometown is the perfect location for his latest film, and he decides to take their relationship from online to in-person. But can a star as famous as Graham really start a relationship with an ordinary girl like Ellie? And why does Ellie want to avoid the media's spotlight at all costs?
I wish it were still summer,
Fluffy Reader Francine

Birthdays Giveaway~

The Fluffy Readers' birthdays are all near each other so we might as well have one big celebration! :P We actually missed Valeria's (sorry, Valeria!), which happened last May 5, but she definitely had a great time. Francine's birthday will come next on June 11, and Sandra's birthday will be on June 25. So much to celebrate!

Fun fact: Sandra is the youngest. Francine is 3 years older than Sandra. Valeria is 3 years older than Francine. It's a riddle. You have to guess our ages. Just kidding. Oh. And Francine lives 6 hours away from Sandra. Sandra lives 6 hours away from Valeria. There's a pattern here. Haha

So we're giving away 1 fluffy read paperback worth $10 or less to 1 lucky person. Just fill up the rafflecopter below! No cheating please. And please make sure The Book Depository delivers to your country.