
Fluffy Readers Unite! Welcome Kayla of The Thousand Lives

Fluffy Readers Unite is a feature here at Fluffy Reads where we search for all the book bloggers who love reading fluffy reads.

Are you a fluffy reader? Want to share about your love? Send us an email! ;)

Kayla and I (Francine) had a little chat on Google Hangouts. That's where the emoticons are from. I had so much fun reading Kayla's answers so I hope everyone else enjoys this too! Without further ado...

Francine: So first off, tell us something about yourself and your blog.

Kayla: Well, I'm 18, just about 19 in a few weeks now, and I've been running The Thousand Lives for about a year. Actually, my blogoversary and birthday are about the same time! (It's towards the end of June! I wanted to do a giveaway, but I'll have to wait till the fall when my second job starts up again) TTL first started as a writing blog, but then I found the book blogging community, and I switched over quickly once I figured out how incredible it was. I've never looked back! Sometimes I still do some posts about writing, so I have a nice balance between my personal endeavors as well as my fangirling.

Francine: We'll gladly still celebrate that with you even if there's no giveaway  How did you find the book blogging community?

Kayla: Why thank you! Hmmm, that's a good question. I can't recall exactly... I think I followed Kate @ Fictional Thoughts, and then Chiara @ Delicate Eternity, and slowly a few others that I can't remember the chronological order of. And then I took part in Top Ten Tuesday, and found some more bloggers through that.

Francine: Next question. What do you think are fluffy reads?

Kayla: I think I'd actually have two definitions. 1) A book that is a bit flimsy in plot, and may be filled with a few cliches, but the characters and friendships/romance are so perfect and light-hearted that it takes you away from everything and just makes you happy for a few hours. The Espressologist by Kristina Springer comes to mind. 

Or, 2) A book that has some harder issues, but is still optimistic and lighthearted despite all of that. Also makes you feel light-hearted and warm fuzzied at the end. It may be harder getting to the uber happy bits, but it's a more long-lasting warmth that goes all the way to your toes and basically makes you the walking personification of I'd say that To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han and Open Road Summer by Emery Lord are good examples of this one.

Not that smiley! The one you just used! Whatever the shortcut for that is Oh man I need to stop trying. I failed, I failed (Francine: She means this one -> )

Francine: Lol. I don't know either. I use the emoticons on the app. Hahaha. And very well said. I tend to use the first definition more, but I really liked that second one.

So I've been following your blog for a while now, and I know you got into fluffy reads or contemporaries somewhere along your blogging career. How did you get into them?

Kayla: Well when I started book blogging, I was a staunch sci-fi/fantasy purist. The only contemporaries I would read were through NetGalley. But then I met Andi @ Andi's ABCs and Veronica @ Talking Bookworm, and let me tell you - those ladies are the biggest book pushers to ever exist. Andi recommended a few to me after I mentioned that I never read contemp, but it all started when Veronica and I met IRL for the first time (we're now best friends actually! The powers of blogging <3). We went to Barnes and Noble (of course!), and when she took me to the contemp shelf, since that's her favorite, I admitted I hadn't read a single book there. So she promptly shoved Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, and 20 Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler (I think?) into my hands. After I read Anna and SCS, I was convinced! And now I'm in the middle of a three month long binge of all the contemporaries, especially fluffy ones, that I can find.

Francine: So cool! It's so awesome when you can find awesome friends through blogging. You're so lucky you got to meet Veronica! And I love Andi's blog too. And we should make everyone read Anna and the French Kiss, and Morgan Matson books. Hahaha

Kayla: Amen to that!

Francine: Convert everyone! XD

Kayla: [aggressively throws Amy & Roger's Epic Detour at everyone]

Francine: Hahaha! I would gladly join you! One of my favorites of all time!

Do you think fluffy reads are important or valuable or should be as appreciated as other genres? And why?

Kayla: The short answer is OF COURSE. The long answer is somewhat of a rant - here we go: any type of read is important and in need of appreciation as a genre. I don't believe in things like "guilty pleasures" or "classics are the only good literature". Of course, there's a distinction between Fahrenheit 451 and Divergent. But who knows - maybe in 50 years Divergent will be required reading in high schools! I know I'd try to teach Allegiant if my school allowed me. So to pass something off as not as worthy because it's YA is just ridiculous to me. As far as fluffy reads in particular, I think they're incredibly important! I love my science fiction and fantasy stuff, but sometimes I just need a good fluffy read. They're perfect for escaping for just a few hours if you're having a bad day and just need to live in an alternate reality where everything has an HEA, or if you're just having a lazy afternoon and want to sit in the sun with some tea and smile like fool because of a book.

Francine: They definitely make me happy! What was your last fluffy read and how did you like it?

Kayla: *runs over to my bookshelf*

That would be... To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han! With Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson prior to that. And BOTH books are incredible, and should be read by everyone!

To All The Boys is one I'd actually like to reread already - it was that good. I was laughing and grinning the whole time, and it made my iffy afternoon be a great afternoon.

Since You've Been Gone is, of course, a Matson, so that's all the explanation there is to it! The playlists were perfect, Frank was near flawless despite his little quirks (a boy who loves Sudoku? count me in!), and the friendship aspect was just spot on.

Francine: I will keep that in mind. I had my eyes set on those books. I can't wait to read them!

And here's the most difficult question.


Francine: Name your favorite fluffy reads

Kayla: Oh god anything but that! *cries* *runs back to bookshelf* (Francine: I was laughing the whole time waiting for Kayla. This still cracks me up)

The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider, To All the Boys by Jenny Han, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour and Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord, Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, and all of Katie McGarry's Pushing the Limits series *sigh* I did it!!!

Francine: What percentage of your contemporary bookshelf is that? Hahaha!

Kayla: Maybe 30%, haha! I only have one shelf for contemporary - I'm still trying to get a good collection! I have one shelf of contemporary to SEVEN sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal!

Francine: Maybe that will grow soon enough

Kayla: Hopefully! I'm working on it


Comedy or Drama? *wails* BOTH. But comedy if I really need to choose

Series or Standalone? Standalone, 75% of the time

Short Reads or Long Reads? Middle reads! 300-500 pages is good for me

Good Guys or Bad Boys? At first glance, bad boys. But longterm - good guys. Peeta Mellark forever holds my heart  (Update: Ryan from Dare You To also has my heart )

Dorky or Suave? DORKY ALL THE WAY! Cricket vs. Etienne - Cricket every time (Francine: Fluffy Reader Sandra will be pleased)

Small Gestures or Big Gestures? Small gestures, hands down

Francine: Alright. That's a wrap! Thank you so so much Kayla! I really enjoyed your answers. They made me smile and laugh.
Do you have any last words before you go? Anything else you want to share?

Kayla: Thank you so much for interviewing me! I had a blast too Well it isn't really directly related to this... but I just got approved for Heir of Fire this morning, and I'm pretty ecstatic about that Plus, I got to do this interview, so I'd say my day is starting out very well!

Francine: That is awesome! Thank you so much Kayla!

Kayla: Thank you!


  1. Thanks for having me on your blog Francine! And Sandra - Cricket is mine. NO TOUCHY.

  2. Okay I have to start off by saying that the Google Hangouts emoticons are the WEIRDEST THINGS EVER.

    Ahh - special mention! My day has been made to the nth degree ;D

    I definitely think a fluffy read is one that just gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, even if there are some hardships and deeper issues at hand.

    I think I need to read some of the titles in this post! I don't read enough happy books, haha. I am always reading fantasy/sci-fi/paranormal because those are my favourites. But I want cuteness, too! XD

    And ohmygosh yesss dorky vs suave. Dorky boys are adorable. I think I'm going to have to read Isla!
