
Francine's Birthday Book

Before I go on rambling, I would just like to remind people about our giveaway. :P

Anna and the French Kiss
by Stephanie Perkins
Published January 1, 2010
by Dutton

Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris--until she meets Étienne St. Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Étienne has it all...including a serious girlfriend.

But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with their long-awaited French kiss?
Everyone has heard of this book, right? RIGHT? No? Why not? :P Or maybe you know it by its new cover? Well, I own the first cover so I'm using that one.

Anyway, why is this is my birthday book, you might ask. Maybe not. Probably not. But I shall tell you anyway. Last June 11, 2011 (If only my birthday was in November :P) I bought my very own copy of Anna and the French Kiss. I don't even know why I did it. My very conservative parents would probably have a fit just with that title. (I still hide it from them until now. Haha!) And this was the time when I didn't know of the blogging community yet. I didn't know so many people loved this book.

But that was a depressing birthday. I just turned 19. My boyfriend then (ex now) had a fight with one of my best friends during my little pizza party. That was certainly inconsiderate. He didn't even get me anything. I think he forgot. So I was down. And what do you do when you're not feeling well? You go shopping for books, of course. I was browsing through the bookstore, and kept coming back to Anna until I finally decided to pick it up. I read the synopsis, and then I started reading the first few chapters and I was hooked! I finished the book right away when I got home.

And I cannot count how many times I've read this. But I do know that I read it during my last 2 birthdays and I will be reading it this time too. I therefore declare June 11 as Read Anna and the French Kiss Day. Not like my declaration would actually do anything. But feel free to join me. I love hearing reactions to reading this book, especially for the first-timers. That's something you can't get back as a reader, but you can enjoy other's reactions too (I'm looking at you, Sandra! I loved your tweets months ago. Heehee.)


Have a fluffy day,
Fluffy Reader Francine


  1. There are so many fluffy reads out there but I really wish to have Anna and the French Kiss! The title alone screams "fluffy read" to me. LOL.

  2. Glad to hear he's now an ex, Francine! There's no way you deserved that treatment :) I won't be able to reread the book today, but I'm totally there in spirit! I want to read both books again before Isla is released, so I'm sure I'll be tweeting frequently whenever that happens ;)

  3. My fluffy read wish is any of Colleen Hoover's or K.A. Tucker's books !!! :)

  4. This Song Will Save Your Life or Amy and Roger's Epic Detour!

  5. I read this one a few years ago and never got the chance to finish it. But I read Lola and the boy next door, and I love that one more than this.

    Irish @ Nocturnal Reader

  6. PS: Happy Birthday, Francine! *belated*

  7. My fluffy read wish would most likely be On the Fence by Kasie West. Thanks for a giveaway! :)
